Special Operations Association Reunion (SOAR) XLIV

 At Special Operations Association Reunion (SOAR) XLIV, we plan to honor all those who would have been eligible to join the Special Operations Association had they returned home. That is, all those from our eligible units who remain missing and unaccounted-for or killed in action/body not recovered. We have identified 139 individuals in those categories.

On Wednesday morning, 21 October 2020, we plan to hold a Memorial Breakfast for our brothers who remain unreturned veterans.

As it stands now, the room will probably accommodate 500 attendees. When we start taking reservations, we will post about how to do so.

If you know any of the men listed, or have contact with their family members, please let us know. Email Bonnie Cooper at bonnie@specialoperations.org


Please see video  https://vimeo.com/362605518