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Special Operations Group has been in business since 1991. We are a web-based business with a sole purpose of providing the best products at the lowest price.
Special Operations group is neither nor claims to be any part of the Armed Services Branch. Special Operations Group web contents merely support and applaud the men and women who serve and have served in any branch of the United States Armed Forces and American's counter-parts. Also, a great thanks to the men and women who protect the streets of American, Law Enforcement personnel.
The information on this Web page is not guaranteed to be accurate, nor does the management take responsibility for it. The information comes from other sources and therefore may not be reliable, and the management does not guarantee authentic.
All items displayed on this site are the property of Special Operations Group. If you feel that one or more items displayed on was developed or created elsewhere and would like to have it removed or have a credit statement attached. Please feel free email North Bay Listings.
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Last, but certainly not least, we often come across organizations who valiantly aid many of our own customers. Please help support our troops and public safety personnel by supporting their causes.
Special Operations Group appreciates your business. All comments and information is welcome.