Hi, just to let you know I received the 101st Airborne coffee mug yesterday. Thank you. I'm now ready for my next order!! regards,

USAF Maintenance Senior Badge
General Officers. Wear the basic badge, representative of the organization’s mission, upon entering a headquarters staff or command position, unless previously qualified for a higher level badge. Wear the next higher level badge after 12 months. Continue to upgrade to next higher level every 12 months.
Officers. Wear the basic badge after graduating from technical school (or after attaining a fully qualified AFSC when technical school is not required). Wear the senior badge after 7 years in the specialty and the master badge after 15 years in the specialty. EXCEPTION: Medical Service officers’ time in specialty will include any constructive service credit awarded at the time of appointment. Officers may verify their constructive service credit to determine eligibility for award of badges by contacting HQ AFPC/DPAMU, 550 C Street West Suite 27, Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4729.
Enlisted. Wear the basic badge after completing technical school. Wear the senior badge after award of the 7-skill level, and the master badge as a master sergeant or above with 5 years in the specialty from award of the 7-skill level. EXCEPTION: Chief Master Sergeants crossflowed into a new CEM Code wear the basic badge of their new career field upon award of the CEM Code, the senior badge after 12 months, and the master badge after 5 years.