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UW CULEX (Robin Sage) Phase V (4 weeks)
A Special Forces candidate conducts a pre-mission rehearsal with Army ROTC cadets role playing guerilla fighters during ROBIN SAGE.
Course Description: For more than 40 years Robin Sage, the culmination exercise for the SFQC, has been the litmus test for Soldiers striving to earn the coveted Green Beret. It is during Robin Sage, held in 15 rural North Carolina counties, that Soldiers must put all of the skills they have learned throughout the SFQC to the test in an unconventional-warfare training exercise that is unequalled. The exercise, broken into two phases, puts students on their first SFODA. The SFODA is trained, advised and mentored throughout the entire exercise from mission receipt through planning and infiltration. During the first week, the students are taught the necessary skills to survive and succeed in a UW environment utilizing the small group instruction teaching methodology. The remaining three weeks focus on their planning and application during Robin Sage. The students are placed into an environment of political instability characterized by armed conflict that forces Soldiers to exercise both individual and collective problem solving. A key to the success of the Robin Sage training is its real-world feel that is established by the use of guerrilla forces. The SFODA must assess the combat effectiveness of the G-forces, and then train them in basic individual tasks from each of the MOSs as well as collective tasks in basic small-unit tactics, while remaining responsive to asymmetrical challenges. Just as language plays a key role in all other phases of the pipeline, language skills will be put to the test during Robin Sage. During this training, the SFODA must demonstrate its knowledge of UW doctrine and operational techniques.
Participating in this rigorous and realistic training exercise the future Special Forces Soldier learns the skills and confidence to successfully deploy with an A Team.