Thank you for posting SGM Jon Cavaiani,our brother will be missed.
All of the TAMPA BAY Area send our PRAYER's to Barb and family
George Kenton Sisler
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Born: September 19, 1937 KIA: February 07, 1967
lLt 0-2, Dexter MO, USASF, FOB 2 Kontum, Ops 35, MACV SOG, KIA-RR (Medal of Honor Winner) Exploitation Force PIt Ldr; also moh_army-s.gifJames H Duncan, SFC E-7, USASF, KIA has been indicated as being on the mission with George K. Sisler who was KIA on same date (?) (Exploitation Force Plt Ldr, when his EF was hit on 3 sides by a Company size element. Lt Sisler distinguished himself by exposing himself repeatedly while rescuing his wounded men and killing the enemy in the process. When the Plt came under an extremely heavy attack, he picked up grenades and charged the enemy single handedly, firing his weapon and throwing hand grenades, which broke the enemy's assault, compelling the enemy to withdraw. He continued to move about the battlefield directing fire. Sisler stood to direct gun ships when a sniper's round cut him down. He died there. George Sisler was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions.