
U.S. Marines Shirt Tab OD
US Marines Tab Patch
U.S. NAVY Shirt Tab OD
U.S.A. Troop Patch
United Nations Partisan Forces Korea (UNPFK)  Patch
United States Air Force Crest Patch
United States Air Force Crest Round Patch
United States Army Crest Large Round Patch
United States Army Crest Patch
United States Army Crest White Background Patch
United States Army Paratrooper Patch Black
United States Army Paratrooper Patch Round
United States Army Paratrooper Patch Tan
United States Coast Guard Academy Large Patch
United States Coast Guard Academy Patch
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Patch
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Patch
United States Coast Guard Crest Patch
United States Coast Guard Large Patch
United States Coast Guard Patch
United States Marine CORPS Patch
United States Marine Corps with Eagle Globe and Anchor Desert Colored Patch
United States Marine Corps with Eagle Globe and Anchor Olive Drab Patch
United States Marine Corps with Eagle Globe and Anchor Patch
United States Navy Crest Large Round Patch
United States Navy Crest Patch
United States Navy Officer Patch
US Air Force Iraqi Freedom Veteran Hat Patch
US Air Force Retired Crest Round Patch
US Air Force Retired with Laurel Oval Patch
US Air Force Veteran Patch
US Air Force with Wing Logo Round Patch
US Army Europe Patch
US Army Europe Patch
US Army Gulf War Veteran Hat Patch
US Army Hat Patch
US Army Paratrooper Patch
US Army Retired Crest Patch
US Army Retired Oval Patch
US Army Skull w/Rifle Tab Patch
US Army South Patch
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