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Sunday, September 2, 1951
Dear Mom,
Today is Sunday. I got up felling wonderful. I then went on a mission at 0630. I saw 1000 gooks-including 3 on horses. Shot artillery at some and estimated 30 killed and 70 wounded. Than I landed and had 5 eggs scrambled, toast, coffee and grape juice, drank two cups or tea with our chink. Then I took a bath in our ice cold crystal clear stream, shaved and brushed my teeth. I then drove to division Headquarters to get a hair cut, too big of a line. (Noon time) two hamburger steaks, onions, fried curled potatoes, water, ice cream, and peaches. I am drinking the water now. Was very cold this morning, not so now. Drove to Div. HQ to get hair cut and money order. I did some. I took my 38/44 and shot 24 rounds of 38 special. I then went back to Div HQ for H.C and M.O., didn't get them. You look good in your picture. I will send you something nice from Japan in 7 days. No news from my buddy Howard, lucky dog will mostly likely go stateside.
COB of the 31st wiped out last night The 17th Infantry is fighting like hell now. The War goes on. I little birdie told me that all of the officers will stay until we get full strength (200 more officers). So I must make a estimate of the situation, all us Commandos do that when we decide we don't know what we are doing.- Yes. I will send you some pictures from Japan. One thing about the service doctors, they pull a bottom tooth by mistake. I got a piece of hand grenade, stitches in my face. They will give me an X-ray when I get to Japan and I will stay in the hospital a few weeks with my buddies. HA HA. Must go get some ice. Have much to do, we war mongers. Love your son,
Original United Nations Airborne Infantry Badge. This was established by Col. Vanderpool. These were all numbered. This one is number 467
Paul Christensen Collection